Share Your Experience

Customer satisfaction is a crucial part of what makes Generator Supercenter America's #1 Generac Generator Dealer. Please take a moment to leave us a review across one of the following platforms.

Here are the steps to leave a review on Google My Business in as few steps as possible:

  1. Search for the business you want to review on Google.
  2. Scroll down to the “Reviews” section and click on “Write a review.”
  3. If prompted, sign in to your Google account.
  4. Choose a star rating and write your review in the box provided.
  5. Add any photos or videos to your review, if desired.
  6. Click “Post” to publish your review.


Note that some businesses may require you to be a verified customer or have made a transaction with them before you can leave a review. Additionally, Google’s review policies prohibit fake or biased reviews, so make sure your review is honest and reflects your genuine experience with the business.

Steps to leave a review on Facebook:

  1. Search for the business you want to review on the Facebook website.
  2. Scroll down to the “Reviews” section on the business’s Facebook page.
  3. Click on “Write a Review.”
  4. Choose a star rating and write your review in the box provided.
  5. Add any photos or videos to your review, if desired.
  6. Click “Post” to publish your review.

Note that some businesses may have their own review policies or guidelines, so make sure to review those before submitting your review. Additionally, Facebook’s review policies prohibit fake or biased reviews, so make sure your review is honest and reflects your genuine experience with the business.

Here are the steps to leave a review on Google My Business in as few steps as possible:

  1. Search for the business you want to review on Google.
  2. Scroll down to the “Reviews” section and click on “Write a review.”
  3. If prompted, sign in to your Google account.
  4. Choose a star rating and write your review in the box provided.
  5. Add any photos or videos to your review, if desired.
  6. Click “Post” to publish your review.


Note that some businesses may require you to be a verified customer or have made a transaction with them before you can leave a review. Additionally, Google’s review policies prohibit fake or biased reviews, so make sure your review is honest and reflects your genuine experience with the business.

Here are the steps to leave a review on the Generac website in as few steps as possible:

Leave A Review By Following This Link or Follow the steps below.  

  1. Go to the Generac website and click on the “Support” tab.
  2. Click on “Find a Dealer” and enter your zip code to search for dealers in your area.
  3. Locate the dealer who installed your Generac generator and click on their name to visit their profile.
  4. Scroll down to the “Ratings and Reviews” section and click on “Write a review.”
  5. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, and location.
  6. Choose a star rating and write your review in the box provided.
  7. Click “Submit” to publish your review.

Note that some dealers may have their own review policies or guidelines, so make sure to review those before submitting your review. Additionally, make sure your review is honest and reflects your genuine experience with the installer.

Steps to leave a review on Facebook:

  1. Search for the business you want to review on the Facebook website.
  2. Scroll down to the “Reviews” section on the business’s Facebook page.
  3. Click on “Write a Review.”
  4. Choose a star rating and write your review in the box provided.
  5. Add any photos or videos to your review, if desired.
  6. Click “Post” to publish your review.

Note that some businesses may have their own review policies or guidelines, so make sure to review those before submitting your review. Additionally, Facebook’s review policies prohibit fake or biased reviews, so make sure your review is honest and reflects your genuine experience with the business.